Instagram is the most profitable social media platform. We’re going to talk about exactly how many people gained these number of followers under a year. 

The first strategy we’re going to talk about is a completely free strategy this is what many people did.  First you want to create a page and pick a nice basically a category that your whole page is going to revolve around. For example if you’re running a business that sells flowers your whole page should be about flowers, if you’re running a charity for building schools in Africa your page should be about African culture or education.  In general after picking your niche and creating your page you want to make sure that you have a couple of pictures posted related to your niche this is crucial for the next step. What you want to do is you want to find another page in the same niche as you start following the people who have like the most recent pictures these people are what’s called high engagement followers they are extremely active they like post, comment ,they tag their friends ,they are the perfect type of people whom you want to follow your page because how profitable in Instagram page is it directly determined by the engagement it has if you have a 10,000 followers page but each of your photos only get like a hundred likes your page isn’t worth that much. 

Now when you first create your account you  should not follow too many people at once or else Instagram will see your activity as spam and your account will get terminated. So what you want to do is you want to slowly wrap up the amount of people you follow every day. once a day is fine in the beginning because when people see that you followed them they’re going to glance at your page and decide whether or not they want to follow you back if your page is actively posting you’re going to have a much higher retention rate. Now do not be alarmed at first if your page is growing slowly with this method more and more people will follow you back as you’re following.  

Growth so expected to be slow at first, at a certain point when you’re following is big enough you’re going to need at least 10,000 followers you should download the telegram app. Telegram is a direct message after both major Instagram pages use the groups on telegram  and common groups work together to grow at an incredible speed and this is how they work. So one of the members of these groups will post a picture or a video and then all the members of the group will like and comment on that post now most of these members have very large followings ranging anywhere from 5,000 to the millions so when Instagram has a bunch of high-value pages liking or commenting on a post. They think this must be a really good post and then they place that post into the explorer area in the front of Instagram and this essentially makes it go viral this sort of traffic, will drastically increase your amount of followers. 

But the question is where do I find these groups ?  All you have to do is message an account with a decent number of followers and ask if they have a telegram group see these groups stand to benefit by having more members , more members means a higher chance of going viral so even if you only have ten thousand followers you can still benefit the group . So don’t be scared to message large pages and ask them for the telegram after going to a certain size again 10,000 followers is the minimum you can contact other pages with similar size and following and do what are called share for share also called shout out for shout out essentially what happens is you post the picture of their content linking to their page while they do the same for you this cross promotion is very effective and growing both of your following by following. You can easily grow your account to around a hundred thousand followers  under a year.  We found practically that cross promotion is very effective. You can also see many facts and quotes pages do the same.