If you’ve done any research on how to Grow your Instagram followers you have heard the typical advice like post often and make great content well that’s sound advice. Today we’re going to dive into new tactics to help you grow your Instagram audience in 2021. So stick with me you’re going to learn how to increase your engagement and grow Your following.  

          First of all the key thing that we need To understand is that Instagram’s goal is to make money from Ads but for Instagram to show ads they need to have people using their platform.  So they use you as a vehicle to keep people on the app.  So if you make the type of content that keeps people on the app Instagram Knows this and will reward you by pushing out your content to more people. So in essence, Instagram is paying you an exposure to keep users on their platform.

          As long as you have the type of content that Makes users scroll through your carousel or watch your entire video then you’re keeping users on the platform longer. This means that Instagram is able to show more ads to those people and thus make more money.  That’s how the platform works that’s how this  In return Instagram can help us make sales it can help us get more exposure and really just grow our business.

            So now that we know the main reason for Instagram’s existence. Let’s use this knowledge to help us beat the algorithm and get more followers to grow our business.

Here are some tips :-

1.    Make shareable content. Imagine this let’s say you create video about how to cook biriyani and your follower Sandy finds this and she shares your post with her friend Jimmy. Instagram is going to love this because now not only do they have the attention of sandy but  also they have made Jimmy to open the app as well.  

      As a result Instagram is going to reward your shareable content with increased exposure. Increased exposure can mean getting featured on the explore page where people who aren’t already following you find your content and find your account.

2.  Makeable content. we often hear about making shareable content but it’s actually seldom that we hear about making savable content well if you overlook how to make savable content you might be missing a big piece of the puzzle if the Instagram algorithm detects that other users are saving your content that will reward you with more exposure that’s because a save indicates a user’s intent to come back onto the app to refer to that content later Keeping in mind that the Instagram’s number one goal is to keep people on the app longer.

3.  Leverage tik tok. Using tik tok  to grow your Instagram followers is  a trendy strategy. By linking your Instagram profile you can use tik tok to convert those followers into Instagram followers.

4.  A giveaway contests are a reliable way to gain new followers if you stipulate that the rules entry include tagging a friend and following your account. You are  going to see a surge in your post’s engagements.  These new followers who arrived through a recommendation can later be nurtured into potential Customers for your business.

5.   Use hashtags to begin growing. You’re going to find that hash tagging your photos is extremely important because hash tagging makes it really easy for people who are searching for a specific term to find your photos and to find Your accounts. You need to find and use the most relevant hashtags to your account. This means doing the appropriate research to make sure that you’re using hash tags that not only describe what’s in your photo but also describe your brand and what people are searching for on Instagram. 

          To find relevant hashtags you’ll want to use a free online tool like icon square or Westenra to start and you can also find more related hashtags and their popularity if you simply just search for any of your target keywords in the actual Instagram app. Try borrowing some hashtag ideas from competitors or similar accounts that have the kind Of following that you aspire to gain. Use this as a starting point because ultimately you want to create your own groups of hashtags that can relate to your account.