Asiatic Lion seeks the comfort of a shade in its enclosure at the Nehru Zoological Park as the temperatures are rising with the onset of summer in Hyderabad on Saturday.

     Eight Asiatic lions at Hyderabad's Nehru Zoological Park have tried positive for the lethal Coronavirus, maybe the principal known instance of the human contaminating the cat and making them debilitated in India. 

    Profoundly positioned sources at the zoo revealed to The Hindu that the Center for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) educated the woods specialists via telephone that the RT-PCR trial of these huge felines were positive. In any case, CCMB tests were gathered from the creatures concerned yet it will require a couple of days to affirm. 

    The CCMB will do definite examination of the examples for genome sequencing to see whether the strain came from people or not. 

      The researcher advised the authorities to avoid potential risk and start the medicine at the most punctual. The zoo specialists are probably going to direct a CT Scan of the lions to know the effect of the disease on their lungs. 

        The Zoo Director and Curator Dr.Siddhanand Kukrety and VVL Subhadra Devi individually didn't react to the rehashed calls by this reporter to deny or affirm the news authoritatively. 

    Notwithstanding, another source on the 380-section of land grounds, which house in excess of 1,500 prisoners, said that outcomes from the CCMB will be submitted to Ms. Subhadra Devi in a little while, and to caution them the researchers have orally educated the higher-up regarding the outcomes. 

     "Indeed, the lions were tried in the wake of showing gentle side effects. As of now they are dynamic and are progressing admirably," the official said, adding that four male and four female enormous felines were housed in the 40-section of land Safari territory. 

     He said that on April 24, guardians saw that these large felines created indications like dry hack, nasal release, and loss of hunger and before long cautioned the veterinary group. Before long, the vets took oropharyngeal swab tests of the catlike and sent them to CCMB, where the researchers are probably going to do genome sequencing to see whether the strain came from people. 

   Presently, NZP, probably the greatest zoo in Asia, is shut for guests as a careful step. In excess of two dozen staff members at the zoo were tried positive for the infection.